Monday 19 May 2014

Introduction to our Group

This is our CID group, from left, Leong Hao Ming, Brian Woon, Rachel Tan, Yee An Qi 

Rachel Tan introduction- I'm Rachel Tan, the leader of this group and a proud member of RVCO 吹打 section. Like most people, I love eating and sleeping.

Leong Hao Ming reflections- I am Leong Hao Ming and I am from the Volleyball team. I am the Blog Manager of the group and I usually like to read and exercise whenever I am free 

Brian Woon - I am Brian and I am the note taker. I am from the Infocomn club and I usually like to read 

Yee An Qi - I am An Qi and I am the resource Manager of the group. I am from Girl Guides and I usually like to read Japanese books. I am currently learning Japanese as my third language 

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