Monday 19 May 2014

Brian's holiday reflection

During the December hols, I went to Australia with my family. At Australia, we went to many places and seen some of the most peculiar things. For example,I went to the yuan chek caves and saw the many variations of rock formations that could be found in a cave- stalagmite, stalactite, crystals and many others. I have also seen many types of animals like the kangaroo and koala. I have also went to the Australian outback too. I saw the peculiar side of nature. For some weird unknown reason, the Australian pinnacle dessert is actually cold. I was wearing a jacket the entire time. Though there are strong sun ray beating down on us I enjoyed the novelty of this experience. From this holiday i have learnt to appreciate nature more and learnt far more than what can you learn from the classroom.

This is the picture of pinnacle Australia. I trekked through this unbeaten path and was astounded by the Magnificant rock formations. It was mind blowing as it was educational. This was one trip I will never forget.

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