Monday 19 May 2014

Anqi Holiday Reflections

During the holidays, I went to NKF for via. My role is to arrange files of the NKF patient. Through this via I have learn more about the community. Although Singapore is a well develop country, there is still a lot of old poor people who can't afford to pay for kidney treatment. After this via, my view about the charity had also changed. At first I felt that charity did not really help the people and use most of the raised fund for themselves like their salary but now I learnt that most charity aren't like that. For example, NKF subsidies fully for the poor to have kidney treatment. I've a lot of fun during this via, if I've a chance I would still want to do it again.
During CID, we discuss about poverty in Singapore And the teacher shown us a video about the living condition of some foreign construction worker working at orchard road. I was thinking, working at orchard road, such a high class place, their living condition should be good but I'm wrong! Their living conditions were horrible. Their hostel were infested with pests and they have 5 to 6 people cramped into a small room. They have bad ventilation and their kitchen doesn't even looked like one. Their toilet is like a hole on the floor and it will flood when it rains. Although I'm not living in big houses or in luxury places but I felt fortunate to have a roof that can block me from the rain, proper toilets, kitchen and a clean room to sleep in. Although the MPs knew about this incident and visited their hostels but they do nothing at all. I think they should help the construction workers as they does earn very much and they come to Singapore just to earn money for their family back in their country. They are humans too so I don't think they should deserve this treatment.

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