Friday 1 August 2014

Rachel's poverty reflection

Through watching the terrible lives of the people living in poverty, I learnt to appreciate everything I have. As compared to them, the life I am living in now is paradise. I have enough food and water, a proper shelter to stay in, and an education. This was definitely more than what an African child living in poverty could wish for. I learnt that I should not take what I have for granted and to appreciate everything that I am lucky to get. 

Also, through viewing pictures of the Singaporeans living in poverty, I came to a realization that there are Singaporeans who live in poverty. I definitely should not have been living in my own bubble. I feel that we can definitely do something to help these people living in poverty out. Next time when we see a homeless man living downstairs, maybe we can smile at him and offer him some food instead of silently avoiding him or walking away. Next time when we see an elderly man or woman asking for donations, performing by the street or selling tissue paper, maybe we can help them out by giving up a little bit of our money. Our small efforts, if done by everyone, can go a long way. If we start small, we can make someone's day and improve their lives for the better.

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