Wednesday 6 August 2014

Brian's overall reflection

During the span of the one week that we went to china, we saw many, smelled many, tasted many and learnt many. We were exposed not only the history that made china what it is today, but also exposed to the culture in which the people lived with. we have also gained insights in China's education system as well as some of their mindsets, way of thinking. Apart from all our take backs from China, I have enjoyed myself greatly and I feel like I gotten fitter from all the walks and climbs.

During our first day there, we took the high speed rail to Hefei Anhui. To be honest, this was not the first time i took the high speed rail. i had took it once in Europe to get from one state to another. However, when i stepped into the carriage of the renowned high speed rail that made china unique, i was immediately dumbstruck, wonderstruck. Up till this point in time i was still doubting China's credibility, i did not want to believe that a less developed country like china could have things that very developed, more ethical, more advanced countries like Europe have. And even up to the point where the train moved i was still in disbelief categorising all that is happening to be a hallucination. On the other hand, I was still able to understand the need for such an invention. China is so big, so wide, that the only way to do inter-province business were with the use of the high speed rail. The current uses are to transport cargo and businessmen from one province to the other, exactly my point.
Without the high speed rail, people would take about 11 hours to reach beijing, and 6 hours to reach shanghai (all based on hefei) but with the induction of the high speed rail, the time has been greatly reduced. This would be beneficial to many, as they can now spend more time doing whatever they have to at their destination and not have to spend so much time on transport. The high speed rail could also be beneficial to the visitors. Just like our case, we could save more money if we took the high speed rail instead of a transfer flight. Hence, the high speed rail is definitely a great invention.

After our trip on the train, we went to iFlytek. At this juncture, i am literally overwhelmed. I was also aware that China was always out to copy others for their own benefit. However, my impression changed slightly. It might be true that they use the ideas of others to make their own, but they are not as square as you think. They incorporate the use of artificial intelligence into a phone like siri, but they also used it in the making of hands-free car operating systems. I was impressed. This trip has certainly changed my perspective of China's technology. Personally, i think China has made a breakthrough. a hands-free car operating system definitely has its benefits. Furthermore, China is not like Singapore, where a simple trip to the next neighbourhood takes 5 mins. In China it would take more than that, and by having this system they would be less likely to get into car accidents. (The chinese are busy people, and would have to make calls often) This is certainly a great invention.

Apart from this, i did not realise that china was capable of such serene sceneries. I always had this mindset that everything in china was going to be not up to standards, and that the entire country is polluted in every way. I did not believe that huangshan was going to be as spectacular as the swiss alps. However, after the entire tiresome climb up and down the unrelenting sides of the mountain, I inexplicably have this feeling of serenity. I could totally feel what the pioneer generation has always revered huangshan as. It was definitely different, unique and it is certainly one of the highlights of the trip. 

I have come to understand that though china may be a less economically developed country, they are still capable of much more. They were able to use current technology to come up with stunning new models. They are able to innovate and come up with shocking ideas to beat their competitors. Just like Cathay Air (the airline that is based in hong kong), though their airplanes are much smaller than ours in singapore, they are constantly finding new ways to twist and turn the odds to make it their own famed accomplishment. They were able to finds faults in Singapore's ideas and have came up with solutions that never ceased to amaze me. I am confident that in the coming years, china will continue to exceed the expectation of others and soar to new heights. Now when someone ask me what I think about china, I will definitely know how to answer them. “magnificent & spontaneous beyond measure”

Tuesday 5 August 2014



Friday 1 August 2014

Rachel's reflection: economic development

I feel that China's economy has really developed over the years. China started of as an LDC, but is currently rising up the ranks as one of the most economically active countries in the world. This is evident through many of the products we buy. Most of them, if not all, have the words 'MADE IN CHINA' on them. This shows how successful China's economy is, and how reliant many other countries are on them. 

China's rise in economy is evident through our visits to the industrial sites, such as Meiling and iFlytech. At Meiling, we were brought to a display, which showed us the different models of refrigerators, which have improved over the years. We also learnt about the success of Meiling. This shows how much Meiling's economy has risen over the years due to their good design, as they are even able to afford a showroom for their refrigerators. 

We can also see the steadily rising economy of China through their various tourist attractions. For example, at Tunxi Ancient Street, many of us, and other tourists, bought tons of various knick-knacks. This contributes to China's tourism industry. When we were climbing Huangshan, we met many other tourists too. This shows how successful China is in attracting tourists to their country. The tourists will buy souvenirs and spend a lot of money while in there, which will contribute to China's economy.

In a nutshell, China's economy is steadily rising. We should not overlook China as an LDC and we should instead try to catch up to how rapidly their economy is growing. Soon, China will overtake other countries to become the most economically active country, and we should work hard in order to not get left behind. 

Rachel's poverty reflection

Through watching the terrible lives of the people living in poverty, I learnt to appreciate everything I have. As compared to them, the life I am living in now is paradise. I have enough food and water, a proper shelter to stay in, and an education. This was definitely more than what an African child living in poverty could wish for. I learnt that I should not take what I have for granted and to appreciate everything that I am lucky to get. 

Also, through viewing pictures of the Singaporeans living in poverty, I came to a realization that there are Singaporeans who live in poverty. I definitely should not have been living in my own bubble. I feel that we can definitely do something to help these people living in poverty out. Next time when we see a homeless man living downstairs, maybe we can smile at him and offer him some food instead of silently avoiding him or walking away. Next time when we see an elderly man or woman asking for donations, performing by the street or selling tissue paper, maybe we can help them out by giving up a little bit of our money. Our small efforts, if done by everyone, can go a long way. If we start small, we can make someone's day and improve their lives for the better.